Virus stalks nurses after they leave work

Virus stalks nurses after they leave work

For four nurses in a Southern California hospital, the scariest place isn’t the ward where they care for coronavirus patients

By ABC News / Stefanie Dazio for the Associated Press

FULLERTON, Calif. — There’s red tape running along the floor of the coronavirus unit at St. Jude’s Medical Center in Fullerton, California.

It’s a clear line of demarcation. On one side, the cold zone, where only a surgical mask, scrubs and shoe coverings are necessary. On the other, the warm zone, where the gloves come on. And the N95 mask. And the gown. And the hairnet. And the face shield.

Another step through glass doors and it’s into the hot zone, where coughing patients in green-patterned gowns await.

It’s outside this unit, in an area not marked by red tape or glass doors, that worries the nurses of “4 North” most.

It’s home: Where their kids play and their spouses sleep. Where PPE are only letters of the alphabet for toddlers learning their ABCs. Where the coronavirus is called “The Big Cough” and the worldwide pandemic means you have to stay at home because there are “little monsters” everywhere.

For the nurses of “4 North,” like their colleagues before them from New York and across the globe, home is fraught with uncertainty. Are they bringing the virus there? Are they exposing their partners and children? Should they isolate or quarantine themselves? Should they quit their jobs to keep their families safe?

As the pandemic rages on and cases climb throughout California, once again one of the nation’s hot spots, the answers remain unclear.

In the meantime, the nurses forge ahead. They care for their patients during 12-hour shifts, taking temperatures and holding their hands through gloves and wondering when — if — it will all end. And then they go home, to a new routine of changing clothes in the garage and rushing inside to shower before they can kiss their kids goodnight. Read more from ABC News.

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