Looks Like Fall Lunch Perfection. We can’t wait to try her creative crouton trick!
From the cheese board goals to a 7-ingredient salad we had on repeat all summer long, Cameron Diaz is one of our go-to celeb sources for culinary inspiration.
Written content by Karla Walsh for Eating Well

So we were excited to see her back at the kitchen counter for her latest 15-minute IGTV all about how to make one of her favorite “weirdo salads” (what the actress/mom/author calls any salad that includes a pickled egg). Pro tip: When she finishes a jar of pepperoncini or pickles, Diaz says she boils an egg and pops it into that jar of brine. Refrigerate for 1 to 7 days and use in this salad—or as a snack, in a sandwich or on avocado toast. Brilliant!
This healthy fall salad recipe, which Diaz says pairs well with the white wine that’s part of her own Avaline brand, is inspired by a dish served at Jean-Georges Beverly Hills at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel that she tried, “back in the day when we used to go out to eat.” It’s her “home edit” of the more refined salad, Diaz explains.
To ace it, the key is getting the ingredients diced into equal small pieces so you can savor a bit of everything in each bite. First, she removes the ribs from the kale leaves and tears them into “tiny” bites.

“My hands are my favorite tools,” she says. “There’s something really gratifying about making something with your hands.”
She then switches to a chef’s knife to slice broccoli into equally tiny (about ½-inch) mini trees.
“Fiber, fiber, fiber, we love fiber,” Diaz shares (same here, Cameron!), as she describes broccoli as “nature’s brooms” since they sweep out your digestive tract.
Then it’s time to slice the pickled egg to match the size of the broccoli and kale, then dice in half of an avocado in ½-inch cubes, too. Learn more from Eating Well, recipe, too.
Here’s an official trailer from actress Cameron Diaz’s movie The Sweetest Thing:
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