Meet the 310-pound high school quarterback

Meet the 310-pound high school quarterback

…….who feels like Lamar Jackson

As a middle school kid playing Pop Warner football, Howard Brown was two pounds from exceeding the 135-pound weight limit. But he could play and even carry the ball as a runner — something that had been forbidden in the past because of his size. 

Written content by Joseph Salvador via USA Today

Meet the 310-pound high school quarterback , Howard Brown, News Without Politics for unbiased sports updates

Brown quickly became the most physical runner in the league, with his fellow sixth graders petrified to make an open field tackle against him. Parents and opposing coaches began to complain about his violent runs and it came to a boiling point.

Brown took the opening kickoff of a midseason game and broke five tackles to score a touchdown. Fed up with his dominance, the opposing coach and players’ parents insisted that he no longer be able to carry the ball.

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With his team under pressure to forfeit, Brown volunteered to play linebacker and showed he could do damage without the ball. 

In the same game, Brown hit one player so hard that he couldn’t get up, and the player’s mother had to drive onto the field and load him into the back of her car to take him to the hospital, according to Brown, his mother and his coach.

“I’m a dog,” Brown told USA TODAY Sports. “I’m not here to play no games with y’all.”

Even though Brown was under the weight limit, he was forbidden to carry the ball for the rest of the season, and a sticker was placed on his helmet to make sure referees knew that he wasn’t allowed to advance the ball on fumbles or interceptions as well. 

Brown’s mother, Tameka Cobbins, even remembered a Pop Warner game where the opposing team had to forfeit in the third quarter because Brown had injured so many of its players. She said the referee called Brown a “football bully.” Read more from USA Today.

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