Covid unit hospital fire in Romania 10 patients killed

Covid unit hospital fire in Romania 10 patients killed

10 patients killed in fire on coronavirus intensive care ward in Romania. One of those injured is the doctor on duty, who was trying to save patients, according to the state broadcaster.

Written content from By Emily Mee | Sky News

Ten people have died after a fire broke out on an intensive care ward treating coronavirus patients in Romania.

Seven others are critically injured following the fire at Piatra Neamt county hospital on Saturday. Apart from one person, all those killed or injured are COVID-19 patients, according to emergency services spokesperson Irina Popa.

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A doctor on duty tried to save patients from the blaze and is in a critical condition with first and second-degree burns covering 80% of his body, according to hospital manager Lucian Micu.

The country’s national prosecutor’s office has said it will investigate the fire as a possible case of criminal manslaughter.

Romania’s health minister Nelu Tataru told local media the fire was “most likely triggered by a short circuit”.

It managed to burn through two rooms housing 16 intensive care patients before it was put out.

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Six surviving patients are being transferred to a coronavirus hospital in the eastern city of Iasi, Mr Tataru said.

The injured doctor is being transferred to a hospital in Bucharest.

The Piatra Neamt hospital will continue to run an intensive care unit on a separate floor.

news other than politics 10 patients killed in Covid unit hospital fire in Romania News without politics totally unbiased news

Mr Micu was appointed three weeks ago after the hospital’s previous manager resigned over poor treatment of patients.

It is the deadliest fire in the country since 2015, when a night club in Bucharest burned down and killed 65 people. Read more from Sky News

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