Ancient Greek god Hermes bust found during Athens sewage work

Ancient Greek god Hermes bust found during Athens sewage work

Greek authorities say a bust of the ancient god Hermes has been discovered in good condition in central Athens during sewage work

The follow written content from the Associated Press via ABC News

ATHENS, Greece — A bust of the ancient god Hermes, in good condition, was discovered in central Athens during sewage work, authorities said Sunday.

Ancient Greek god's bust found during Athens sewage work, learn more from News Without Politics, non-political news source

The Greek Culture Ministry said that the head, one of many that served as street markers in ancient Athens, was found Friday and it appears to be from around 300 B.C. — that is, either from the late fourth century B.C., or the early third century. It depicts Hermes at “a mature age,” the ministry said, in contrast to his usual depictions as youthful.

The head is in the style of famed Greek sculpture Alcamenes, who flourished in the second half of fifth century B.C., the ministry said. Read more from ABC News.

Here’s more about Ancient Greece:

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