Updates: at least two dead-storm slams Northeast

Updates: at least two dead-storm slams Northeast

Updates on the Nor’easter: At least two dead as winter storm slams Northeast.

There are 70 million Americans in the middle of a monster winter storm.


There are 70 million Americans in the middle of a monster winter storm that’s dumping snow, sleet and rain up and down the East Coast. The powerful nor’easter is expected to unload as much as 2 feet of snow in some places, bringing 50 mph winds and freezing rain that could lead to wide-spread power outages.

Updates: at least two dead-storm slams Northeast, follow News Without Politics unbiased, non political news, nor'easter, severe weather, US news

States and cities, including New York and Boston, are already declaring emergencies and shutting down services, including coronavirus testing. There are warnings from Virginia to Maine to stay off the roads as conditions get worse.

One person was killed Wednesday morning on Interstate 81 in Virginia. Brannagan K. Locklear, 19, of Pembroke, North Carolina, died after his car ran off the road, struck an embankment and overturned, according to Virginia State Police. A man walking with a snowblower was also killed in Pennsylvania after he was hit by a plow truck, according to police in Allegheny County.

The storm stretches from Colorado to Maine. There are winter storm warnings in at least 14 states and blizzard conditions are possible with near-zero visibility in some places, along with up to 2 feet of snow. 

This storm is just getting started, but it’s already creating chaos. Emergency responders in Pennsylvania were nearly hit by a sliding truck. Slick roads caused a pileup in Virginia. Slippery conditions sent tractor-trailers off the road in Pennsylvania and jackknifed them in Nebraska. In New York City, up to 10 inches of snow is expected. 

“This is going to be a serious storm, and people need to take it seriously,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday. “This could be the biggest storm in several years.” 

As of 9:45 p.m. ET, over 42,000 people in Virginia and 12,000 people in New Jersey were without power. Read more from CBS News.

Actually, what is a Nor’easter?
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