Bubble-gum Pink Lakes Are Nature’s Wonders

Bubble-gum Pink Lakes Are Nature’s Wonders

Bubble-gum Pink Lakes- Add it to the bucket list.

Just in case you need another reason to visit Australia, it’s home to one of the most beautiful and unusual natural wonders in the world: pink lakes.


Though there are many, the most popular pink lakes found in Australia are Lake Hillier and Lake Bumbunga.

At just about 2,000-feet long, Lake Hillier can be found on Australia’s Middle Island and is surrounded by white sand beaches and Eucalyptus trees. From above, the contrast between the Pacific Ocean’s turquoise water and the lake’s vibrant pink hue is stunning.

Bubble-gum Pink Lakes in Australia Are One of Nature's Most Unusual Wonders, learn more about travel to Australia from NWP, non- political news
Beautiful young woman in white dress stands in Pink salt lake waters

Lake Bumbunga is located in Adelaide, near the towns of Lochiel and Bumbunga. It’s not only known for its pink color but also for its mirror effect — the reflection of the sky on the surface of the water. The lake’s easily accessible shores make it the perfect spot for a photo opp. Read more from Travel and Leisure.

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