Venomous spiders found in university library- scary!

Venomous spiders found in university library- scary!

Venomous spiders- scare at the University of Michigan library prompting it to close for two days this week

Venomous spiders found in university library- scary!, follow News Without Politics, NWP, University of Michigan, stay updated on spiders

The following written content by Kenneth Garger

A University of Michigan library was closed for two days for this week after three venomous spiders were found in the basement.

The Mediterranean recluse spiders — whose bites can cause skin irritation or even tissue death — were discovered in the Shapiro Undergraduate Library on the school’s Ann Arbor campus in late January.

University of Michigan-Dearborn professor Anne Danielson-Francois later identified one of the creepy crawlers.

The library was closed Sunday and Monday.

But university spokeswoman Kim Broekhuizen said staffers closed the building due to a misunderstanding.

“We apologize for the inconvenience to the university community,” she told the Detroit Free Press in a statement.

Regardless, out of an ambulance of caution, the library was still treated for spiders on Monday, the report said. Read more from New York Post.

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