Just imagine: AI reading your mind

Just imagine: AI reading your mind

Just imagine handwriting and this system can read your mind and write words.

Researchers have combined neural implants with artificial intelligence to develop a system that converts imagined writing to text on a screen.

The following written content by Eric Mack 

Just imagine: AI reading your mind, follow the most unbiased technology news today, News Without Politics, NWP, technology
Just imagine handwriting and this system can read your mind and write words – CNET

Humans have long been fascinated with the notion of someone or something that can read our minds — be it a telepath, a computer or Santa Claus. Now researchers say they’ve developed a system that combines machine learning and a brain-computer interface, or BCI, to read handwriting that takes place in the brain rather than on paper.

A team of scientists worked with a volunteer, a 65-year-old man paralyzed from the neck down, using sensors implanted in his brain to detect neural activity linked to writing by hand. As the participant imagined writing letters, that activity was fed to an algorithm that translated it, in real time, to text displayed on a screen.

The details of the experiment are laid out in a report in the current issue of the journal Nature. Study co-author Krishna Shenoy, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Stanford University, says this method appears to be more potentially powerful than similar studies that have attempted to translate speech rather than handwriting.

Just imagine: AI reading your mind, follow the most unbiased technology news today, News Without Politics, NWP, technology
Photo credit: The Guardian

“Right now, other investigators can achieve about a 50-word dictionary using machine learning methods when decoding speech,” Shenoy said in a statement. “By using handwriting to record from hundreds of individual neurons, we can write any letter and thus any word which provides a truly ‘open vocabulary’ that can be used in most any life situation.”

The hope is such a system could allow people who are paralyzed to type and communicate efficiently without using their hands. Elon Musk-backed startup Neuralink is famously working on similar brain implant technology.

“Just think about how much of your day is spent on a computer or communicating with another person,” Shenoy said. “Restoring the ability of people who have lost their independence to interact with computers and others is extremely important, and that is what is bringing projects like this one front and center.” Read more from Cnet.

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