Paula Abdul underwent breast revision surgery

Paula Abdul underwent breast revision surgery

Paula Abdul, famed singer and dancer, underwent breast revision surgery after ‘Too Big’ implants caused years of back pain.

The following written content by Julie Mazziotta

After years of dealing with back pain, Paula Abdul has undergone breast revision surgery to remove implants that were “a little too big” for her body.

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Photo credit: People

The famed singer and dancer, 58, said that her proportions were off after she got the implants.

“With my height, I’m petite, I started with smaller breasts and about 20-plus years ago I had implants put in, and the more I was dancing the harder it was getting on my back,” she explained in a video for InMode, a medical device company, where she is a brand ambassador. 

Plus, Abdul said, the implants were weighing down on her chest.

“As the years go by, gravity happens too, and I just always felt like [they were] a little too big for my frame, and I wanted to get the old implants out,” she said.

Paula Abdul's has breast surgery, stay updated on unbiased entertainment news stories, breast revision surgery, follow News Without Politics

In the video, recorded before her surgery with Dr. Jacob Unger, Abdul said that she’s “nervous” but excited.

Unger explained that he is going to perform a breast revision surgery on Abdul to remove the old implants, tighten her skin and lift her breasts. He’ll also potentially add in new, smaller implants, “but we want to make sure we can reshape the breasts very well and get the best overall shape and contour to match your frame,” he said.

“I’m very excited,” she said. “This is going to be great.”

Abdul has previously undergone plastic surgery with InMode to tighten the skin on her arms.

“I wanted to do something for myself,” she told PEOPLE in 2019. “I’ve had multiple spinal cord injuries and paralysis, and because my arms had paralysis, the muscles atrophied. I work out a lot, and no matter how many times I hit the gym and did bicep and tricep workouts, it was always difficult because I had to rebuild muscle tissue.” Read more from Yahoo! Finance.

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