10 Healing Spots Around the World, From Hot Springs to Salt Flats–
Your “Salve-cation awaits” at these magical destinations.
The following written content by Perri Ormont Blumberg
There are healing places, as in, the restorative properties of a hotel balcony whilst sipping a glass of pinot grigio with your spouse on the balcony after your little one is dropped off at the kid’s club. And then there are capital-H Healing places of the enchanted ilk. These magical destinations, from mineral springs in the Empire State to primordial forests in Japan, fit the uppercase bill. Some may possess powers said to soothe various ailments, others may restore your spirits. Whatever the tonic on offer, expect magic at these 10 spots around the world — no pinot grigio required.
The Dead Sea, Israel

Besides being absolutely breathtaking, this landlocked salt lake has long been touted for its health-giving properties. From slathering the black mud over your skin for exfoliation and alleviating skin conditions like psoriasis, to its professed natural power to remedy asthma, arthritis, osteoporosis, and other issues, the body of water also boasts a low content of pollen and other allergens. Another unique feature? At 400 meters below sea level, harmful UV rays are filtered through an evaporation layer above the Dead Sea, the ozone layer, and an extra atmospheric layer. This is said to mean that sunbathers can absorb the beneficial effects of vitamin D from the sun’s rays, without risk of sunburn and ensuing skin damage.
And lest we omit a little mythic tale, it’s also believed that Cleopatra journeyed here with her ancient Egyptian entourage to bathe in the waters and let the gentle waves do their thing. This healing ritual continues to modern times, as countless wellness seekers arrive at this site to pile on the storied mud.
Yakushima Island, Japan

If forest bathing is good for the soul, then being one with nature under the watchful shade of trees from time immemorial must really supercharge your cells. This special mountainous rainforest region that covers one-fifth of the island is a popular “power spot” in Japan, celebrated by the Japanese for its healing ability. At the UNESCO World Heritage Site — 35 miles south of the southernmost tip of Kyushu Island — each peak is worshipped as the home to gods, and there are many holy shrines around the island. A giant cedar tree known as Jōmon Sugi, which scientists estimate to be between 2,000 and 7,200-years-old resides here and is said to be the single oldest tree on the island. Jōmon Sugi, and a slew of millennia-old trees, are also reported to have remedial properties.
The Healing Hole, Bimini, The Bahamas

A freshwater pond unlike any other, and accessible only by boat, this tranquil space is situated in East Bimini. The cold channel of freshwater that swirls together with warm saltwater outside the Bahamian mangroves is purported by some to be quite the panacea. It’s no easy feat to find this mineral-rich nostrum on your own, so hire a guide in a shallow boat to lead the way to salvation.
And it’s worth noting that neurophysiology researcher Dr. Richard Wingate tested the Healing Hole’s composition, finding that it contains high levels of lithium, sulfur, and magnesium. Lithium is used to treat mood disorders, magnesium is used to help muscle function and energy production, and sulfur is necessary for your body to function, which makes the Healing Hole a triple wellness threat.
Taos, New Mexico

Getting us to a health resort isn’t a tough sell — especially when it’s got natural mineral springs bursting with healthful properties. At Taos’s Ojo Caliente, one of the oldest health resorts in America, you can take in the craggy desert cliffs and Cottonwood-studded bosque (a type of forest in the Southwestern United States), between dips in the mud, arsenic, or Kiva pools, each touting their own healing properties and aura. Ojo Caliente’s claim to fame is its apparent status as the only hot springs in the world with four different types of sulfur-free mineral waters, including iron, arsenic, soda, and lithium. The iron-based spring is supposedly beneficial for immune health, and the arsenic spring is recommended for those who are searching for arthritis and ulcer pain relief. Hop into the rock-enclosed soda pool if you’re hoping to calm your frazzled mind, or the lithium-rich pool for potential help with digestion and depression.
While in town, head to El Santuario de Chimayo, lauded for its so-called “holy dirt,” located in a round well within a small room, with salubrious effects in every drop. They don’t call New Mexico the Land of Enchantment for nothing, folks.