Science fiction in a pill?
British computational biologist, Dr. Andrew Steele states ‘I can’t see a physical or biological reason why people couldn’t live to 200 — the challenge is whether we can develop the biomedical science to make it possible.’
The following written content from Joshua Hawkin

A new miracle drug could increase the human lifespan by up to 200 years. Dr. Andrew Steele, a British computational biologist recently published a new book on the longevity of human life. In the book, the doctor argues that it is completely feasible for humans to live beyond our standard 100-year lifespan thanks to a new type of drug.
Dr. Steele says that a newer field of research known as senolytics could give birth to a miracle drug capable of increasing the human lifespan. (via Thred)
This field of study is trying to create drugs that eliminate the cells that degrade tissue function. Scientists call these senescent cells, and they stop dividing over the course of our lives. When that happens, they begin the ‘zombie cells’ begin to accumulate. This is what releases the compounds that speed up the aging process.
If senolytic drugs are able to destroy these cells, though, it would stop those compounds from releasing. This could effectively cut down on aging altogether. A trial for the drugs back in 2020 showed exceptional results in mice, improving physical function and extending lifespan and health. Because mice and human gene functions are so similar, many believe we could increase human lifespan similarly.
Can humans live too long?
Increasing the human lifespan is an interesting concept. And many scientists have been looking for ways to reverse or even stop aging completely for decades. In fact, high-profile scientists have previously said we’re not far from being able to reverse the signs of aging in humans. Whether or not that would actually stop the aging process completely, though, remains to be seen.
Senolytics appears to take that idea a step further. While Dr. Steele says the drugs created within this area of research could increase the human lifespan to 200 years. He also says that he doesn’t see any biological or physical reason we should have an absolute cap on how long people can live. But is that really what people want?
Senolytics appears to take that idea a step further. While Dr. Steele says the drugs created within this area of research could increase the human lifespan to 200 years. He also says that he doesn’t see any biological or physical reason we should have an absolute cap on how long people can live. But is that really what people want?
Whether or not humans can live too long is a question that you’ll have to answer yourself. With the ongoing threats of climate change, including a massive new hole in the ozone layer we just discovered, some might not like the idea of living forever.
If you do, though, you’ll be pleased to know that research into this field is still ongoing. And, Dr. Steele isn’t the only one pushing for its success. Wealthy individuals like Jeff Bezos are already investing millions in medicine and technology to try to increase the human lifespan. Read more from Brg