Good Samaritan dives into water-saves toddler

Good Samaritan dives into water-saves toddler

Good Samaritan dives into bay to rescue toddler thrown into water during crash near Ocean City.

The following written content via Fox 5

OCEAN CITY, Md. – Authorities say a good Samaritan dove into the waters of Assawoman Bay to rescue a toddler who had been thrown from a vehicle and off a bridge during a crash near Ocean City Sunday.

The incident happened around 2:47 p.m. on the Route 90 bridge that connects the beach town to the rest of Worcester County.

Emergency crews say the collision ejected an infant from a vehicle and into Assawoman Bay below. The vehicle was left teetering over the edge of the bridge.

Officials say the good Samaritan immediately jumped over the guardrail and into the bay, rescuing the 23-month-old.

Firefighters secured the vehicle while paramedics treated multiple patients. The toddler was flown to John Hopkins Children’s Hospital in Baltimore while seven other were transported by ground to local hospitals. Read more from Fox 5.

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