Driver follows GPS – Gets stuck at golf course

Driver follows GPS – Gets stuck at golf course

A Massachusetts driver who took a wrong turn and was sent off course because of bad GPS directions ended up on a golf course.

Driver who got stuck on golf course was following GPS Driver who got stuck on golf course was following GPS news other than politics-is any news unbiased-Credible news-credible news source-non partisan news-non political news-news-without-opinions

Written content from David Matthews

A Massachusetts driver who took a wrong turn and was sent off course because of bad GPS directions ended up on a golf course.

Officers who responded to the scene said the driver did not appear to be intoxicated and the country club said there was no damage to the golf course. The car was successfully towed away.

Newton Police said the driver would not be charged.

Driver who got stuck on golf course was following GPS Driver who got stuck on golf course was following GPS news other than politics-is any news unbiased-Credible news-credible news source-non partisan news-non political news-news-without-opinions

The GSP snafu is the latest incident to occur around a golf course. In 2020, an Amazon driver in Michigan blamed his GPS system after becoming wedged in a tunnel that was meant to serve golf carts. In 2012, a woman in a Buick had a similar issue with a sand trap and blamed her GSP, but police arrested her on drunk-driving charges. Read more from NYDN

“I think the moral of the story is, if you’re using one of these GPS apps, just keep your eyes on the road, your eyes won’t lie to you,” said the Police officer, Lt. Bruce Apotheker. “I think if you saw that you were headed down some sort of road and it looked like it wasn’t going to go anywhere, that you would stop and turn around.”


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