Father, Daughter Ride Antique High-Wheel Bikes From Michigan To Key West

Father, Daughter Ride Antique High-Wheel Bikes From Michigan To Key West

Father and daughter rode their antique high-wheel bikes, to the delight of drivers along the way, from Michigan to Key West.

Written content by 4 CBS Miami

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – A father and daughter rode their antique high-wheel bikes, to the delight of drivers along the way, from Michigan to Key West.

Father, Daughter Ride Antique High-Wheel Bikes From Michigan To Key West, stay informed about antique bike trips from unbiased News Without Politics

The team of Randy and Amy Oleynik started their journey on October 9 in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, at the northeastern end of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

On Saturday afternoon, they concluded their 2,000-mile ride.

The pair celebrated the conclusion of their journey at the Key West marker by jubilantly lifting their 132-year-old bicycles as spectators cheered their achievement.

“It’s our second ride,” said Randy Oleynik, a 61-year-old pharmacist from Carleton, Michigan. “We rode from San Francisco to Boston in 2016, and after that we decided we should do the north-to-south to complete basically the ‘holy grail’ of high-wheel biking across the country.”

On their trek from Michigan to Key West, the father-daughter duo rode about 60 miles per day, accompanied by a support van driven by Randy’s wife and Amy’s mother.

“When people see us going by, number one they smile, so it’s a great reaction,” said Randy Oleynik. “They wave, they yell, they beep their horns, they swerve, they’ll stop their cars in the middle of the road.” Read more from 4 CBS Miami.

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