Maradona fans get tattoos- celebrate ‘eternal love’

Maradona fans get tattoos- celebrate ‘eternal love’

“Maradona” tattoo for me was so I could have him all the time with me, because he was my childhood,” said a devoted fan.

The following written content by Reuters via NBC

Maradona, fans celebrate eternal love with tattoos, follow News Without Politics, non political news, unbiased

BUENOS AIRES—Under his shirt, pizza shop owner Guillermo Rodriguez is a walking shrine to Diego Maradona. His entire back is covered in tattoos depicting the soccer great, whose death last week at the age of 60 inspired enormous grief in Argentina and beyond.

“It is something beautiful to live with him, so for us he did not die, he will continue being there for all of us, the love we have is eternal,” said Rodriguez, whose pizza store is called “Siempre al 10”, referring to Maradona’s jersey’s number.

The death of Maradona has highlighted the almost cult-like adoration that grew up around the player nicknamed “el dios” (or God), who mesmerised on the pitch and inspired fans off it despite long, public battles with addiction.

Argentina declared several days of national mourning for him and his body lay in state at the presidential palace.

Maradona, fans celebrate eternal love with tattoos, follow News Without Politics, non political news, unbiased
Nerea Barbosa, a devoted Diego Maradona fan who has images of Maradona tattooed on her arm, poses for a photo at her home in Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 29, 2020. “It is love, it is my great love, my passion to have Diego (on my body) so he is always with me everywhere. I feel like he protects me,” said Barbosa. “When I got the tattoo, many told me no, that it was not for a woman and a tattoo like that was so grotesque,” she said, adding that she felt both a feminist and a “Maradonian”. “I say he was an idol for women too.” REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino SEARCH “MARADONA TATTOOS” FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH “WIDER IMAGE” FOR ALL STORIES.

“For a woman in childbirth it is very painful. For me I felt that pain the day that Maradona died. The grief is enormous,” said Cintia Veronica, who showed tattoos of Maradona on her arm, at her home in Buenos Aires.

“Having that tattoo now, in this moment, is to feel that he (Maradona) is alive. I feel that he is alive.”

A few days after Maradona’s death, fan Maximiliano Fernando is in a tattoo parlor in Buenos Aires and showing off tattoos of the player on his arm, including images where Maradona is in mid-stride, and another he is holding the World Cup aloft.

“Having tattoos of Diego for me is the greatest thing there is,” said Fernando, whose bedroom walls are lined with pictures and shirts of the player. “I’m going to take him to the grave.”

Maradona won the World Cup with Argentina in 1986 and sparkled for Italian side Napoli, where he became a legend for his skills and representing Naples in Italy’s poorer south. His image still appears drawn large on murals in the city. Read more from NBC.

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