Organic food sales have soared since 2020. New study shows consumers the benefits of organic vs non organic foods.

The following written content by Lynn Allison
Organic fresh produce sales in 2020 soared to over $8.54 billion, an increase of $1 billion over 2019. But experts say that sometimes it is not worth spending the extra money on organic products since not all organic food is superior to conventional brands.
For example, according to Dr., a study of 55 brands of rice published in the journal “Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety” found that organic rice contained significantly more arsenic than non-organic samples.
However, a recent Pew Research Center survey showed that 50% of Americans believe that organic foods are better for you, says Dr. Gabe Mirkin.

“Manufacturers have taken advantage of this belief and sell organic clothing, water, soap, cosmetics — just about everything that touches our body,” says the renowned expert. “However, the U.S. government control over the use of the label ‘organic’ is lax because there are few government agencies or contractors to check the production of organic products.”
To help consumers sort out the good, the bad, and the ugly facts about organic and conventional foods, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has come to the rescue over the years with data and information.
Dr. Thomas Galligan, Ph.D., an EWG toxicologist, says that his organization recommends buying organic whenever possible.
“Research has repeatedly shown that eating organic produce is an effective way to dramatically reduce exposure to toxic pesticides,” he tells Newsmax. “A diet high in organic food has been linked to a variety of important health benefits, including improved fertility, lower BMI, reduced incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and lower risk of type 2 diabetes.”

EWG knows that organic produce may not always be available and affordable for every consumer, so they publish a Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ each year. The guide, which includes their Dirty Dozen™ and Clean Fifteen™ lists, ranks fresh fruits and vegetables based on pesticide testing data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
“Choosing organic is particularly important for items on the Dirty Dozen list, as these have the most pesticides on them. Items on the Clean Fifteen list have the least, so consumers can buy these fruits and vegetables in their non-organic forms without compromising on pesticide exposures,” says Galligan. Read more from Newsmax Health.