An oil tanker exploded in Freetown, Sierra Leone’s where at least 98 people have been killed and more than 100
Category: Disasters
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Helicopter crash leaves 3 dead
Three people were killed in a helicopter crash in the forested area known as Odenwald in the German
Five killed at Mexican offshore oil platform
At least five people have been killed and six injured in a fire at an offshore oil platform
Firefighting plane crash-No Survivors
Five Russian and three Turkish servicemen on board were killed in the plane crash The following written content
Cargo ship runs aground and splits in two
A Cargo ship is spilling oil off coast of Japan after running aground and splitting in half. The
2 helicopter crashes: Russia and Chicago
The more serious of the two was a helicopter carrying tourists in Russia’s far east region. Eight people
Deadly explosion at German chemical plant
One excavation worker has died and 20 other people were injured as a result of the massive BASF
Oceanfront homes literally being swallowed up
In the tourist paradise of Praia dos Ingleses in Florianópolis, Brazil, sand dunes are approaching oceanfront homes closer
China floods: Mother dies after saving baby
At least 51 dead and nearly 400,000 evacuated due to the massive China floods. The following written content
Huge fuel tanker explosion in Kenya 13 dead
Number of deaths from the explosion is likely to increase as the casualty numbers reflect only those in
Hotel collapse in China – Several dead
Rescue workers rushed to the scene of the disaster in Suzhou city in eastern China. The cause of
Massive fire at Bangladesh factory – 52 dead
At least 52 people were killed when a massive fire ripped through a juice factory in Bangladesh, officials
Nine killed in Plane crash Sweden crash in Sweden
A small plane loaded with veteran skydivers has crashed in Sweden, killing all nine people onboard. Written content from Josh K.
Plane crash in Eastern Russian sea 28 on board
An Antonov An-26 twin-engine turboprop plane with 22 passengers and 6 crewmembers disappeared from radars in Russia’s Far
Possible mud volcano fire erupts in Caspian Sea
There are unconfirmed reports of an explosion at the offshore oil and gas fields of Azerbaijan. Experts believe
Huge Gulf of Mexico fire – ruptured pipeline
A massive fire has erupted in the Gulf of Mexico after an oil pipeline reportedly ruptured. Incredible footage
‘Catastrophic failure’ Truck explosion in LA
A bomb squad truck explosion occurred while it was transporting illegal fireworks in South LA. Seventeen people hurt
How long can someone survive under rubble?
Stories of rare miracles from past disasters can bringing hope those struggling with uncertainty. Emergency workers – including