How To Balance Tech And Everything Else In Life

How To Balance Tech And Everything Else In Life

If you start your day by turning off your alarm clock, go to work by car, take public transport and swipe a transit pass, schedule a meeting, or reheat your lunch, you’re using technology in every single case.

Written content by Andrea Loubier via Forbes

Tech is as common as ordering a meal via an on-demand courier service and often essential in things like medical equipment that vastly improve or even save someone’s life.

All technologies are developed with a purpose. However, some can become a substitute for moments in life that don’t need tech, creating an imbalance between the real physical or spiritual world and binary code. Simply put, when you live in an urban area and your work revolves around tech, looking at screens and pushing buttons can become overwhelming.

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how to balance tech and everything else……

Let’s Put Tech Into Perspective

There are 3.5 billion smartphone users, about the same number of home computer users, and over 4.5 billion active Internet users around the world. This means that most of the world’s young and adult population go online and are being bombarded with notifications from a dozen different apps, images on social media, and flashy ads in newsletters every day.

This onslaught of information noise can cause people to lose focus and use technology mindlessly: unlocking the phone screen to see what time it is and going on social media for a scroll instead, or switching to the wrong tab and going down the Internet rabbit hole.

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Using any app that is connected to the Internet via mobile or desktop can become excessive or obsessive to the point of hurting your physical and emotional wellbeing and relationships.

On the other hand, the world has achieved a lot thanks to technological progress. Here are just a few examples of how tech benefits our lives: Read more from Forbes.

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