Fans Storm the Field at Notre Dame Stadium!

Fans Storm the Field at Notre Dame Stadium!

Fans Emotions Wins Out- Was this a super spreader event, or a super sweet moment? Check back in a week or two.

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — At 12:10 Sunday morning, the last student cavorting around the playing surface at Notre Dame Stadium picked up his sweatshirt and walked off as security closed in. 

Written content by Pat Forde via Sports Illustrated

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — At 12:10 Sunday morning, the last student cavorting around the playing surface at Notre Dame Stadium picked up his sweatshirt and walked off as security closed in. The four guys dressed as nuns and the girls in green pajamas had already departed. The hundreds of chest bumpers, random huggers, picture takers and other wild celebrators had hit the exits as well.

It had been 27 minutes after the No. 4 Fighting Irish had beaten No. 1 Clemson in double overtime, 47-40, in the biggest and best game of the season. What followed the final play was a euphoric, heedless, cathartic, unwise, spontaneous celebration. It was a scene from simpler times, pre-2020.

COVID-19 social distancing be damned, a high percentage of the announced crowd of 11,011 stormed the field and turned it into an old-fashioned mosh pit. In a completely abnormal season, it was a joyous moment of completely normal college football mayhem. Months of adhering to a buttoned-down existence were swept aside by the emotional tidal wave created by a huge and dramatic victory.

Was this a super spreader event, or a super sweet moment? Check back in a week or two, and hope for the best.

“It was crazy,” said Notre Dame wide receiver Avery Davis, whose two catches in the final minute helped stave off defeat and force the game into OT. “It’s different than when you see it in the movies. You’re being bumped around by the fans.” Read more from Sports Illustrated.

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