Baby born from 27-year-old embryo!

Baby born from 27-year-old embryo!

Baby born believed to have broken record set by her big sister.

Though Molly Gibson is just over one month old, she could’ve been born at any point in the last 27 years.

 The following written content by Scottie Andrew

Baby born from 27-year-old embryo, stay informed about the baby,family, sister,science from News Without Politics, unbiased, non political news

(CNN)Though Molly Gibson is just over one month old, she could’ve been born at any point in the last 27 years.

Her embryo was frozen in October 1992 and stayed frozen until earlier this year in February, when Tina and Ben Gibson of Tennessee adopted her embryo. Tina gave birth to Molly in late October — nearly 27 years after her embryo was first frozen.

Molly’s birth is believed to have set a new record — one previously held by her older sister, Emma — for the longest-frozen embryo known to have to resulted in a birth. Not that records matter to the Gibsons.

“With Emma, we were just so smitten to have a baby,” Tina Gibson told CNN on Tuesday. “With Molly, we’re the same way. It’s just kind of funny — here we go again with another world record.”

Gibson became pregnant with both Emma and Molly with the help of the National Embryo Donation Center, a faith-based nonprofit in Knoxville that stores frozen embryos in vitro fertilization patients have decided not to use. Families can adopt those unused embryos, which are then transferred to an adoptive parent’s uterus.

Emma, the Gibsons’ older daughter, was born in November 2017 and set the previous record for the longest-frozen embryo known to have resulted in a birth, according to the center. Hers was frozen for 24 years.

Baby born from 27-year-old embryo, stay informed about the baby,family, sister,science from News Without Politics, unbiased, non political news

Using older embryos

Before Emma and then Molly set records, little was known about the viability of older embryos. And when she found out Emma’s embryo had been frozen for so long, Gibson worried the age would lessen her chances of becoming pregnant.

But Dr. Jeffrey Keenan, the center’s president and medical director, assured her that age likely wouldn’t affect the outcome. He said in a release both Emma and Molly’s births are proof that embryos shouldn’t be discarded because they’re “old.”

“This definitely reflects on the technology used all those years ago and its ability to preserve the embryos for future use under an indefinite time frame,” said Carol Sommerfelt, the center’s lab director and embryologist, in a release. Read more from CNN.

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