Are meat-free diets better to ward off severe COVID?

Are meat-free diets better to ward off severe COVID?

Meat-Free Diet Helps Ward Off Severe COVID

Now, new research suggests they may provide another health benefit: lowering COVID-19 severity.

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Are meat-free diets better to ward off severe COVID? , learn more from NWP, News Without Politics, diet, foods, best unbiased news source

Advocates of plant-based diets suggest they can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, and help the environment.

Now, new research suggests they may provide another health benefit: lowering COVID-19 severity.

A plant-based diet was associated with 73% lower odds of moderate to severe COVID-19 infection in the study. A pescatarian diet, which includes fish but limits or eliminates meat, was associated with 59% lower odds. Compared to those who ate a plant-based diet, those with a low-carb, high-protein diet had nearly four times the odds of moderate to severe COVID-19 infection, according to the study.

“Our results suggest that a healthy diet rich in nutrient-dense foods may be considered for protection against severe COVID-19,” said the researchers led by Dr. Sara Seidelmann of Stamford Health in Connecticut.

Plant-based diets were described as high in vegetables, legumes and nuts and low in poultry and red and processed meats.

The researchers noted that plant-based diets are rich in nutrients, especially phytochemicals (polyphenols, carotenoids), vitamins and minerals, which are important for a healthy immune system. Fish is an important source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties.

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Researchers drew on the survey responses of nearly 2,900 frontline doctors and nurses with extensive exposure to COVID-19 infection. The doctors were working in the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.

The survey asked about their dietary patterns over the past year, based on a food frequency questionnaire. It also asked about the severity of any COVID infections they had.

Researchers learned that 568 respondents had symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection or no symptoms but a positive swab test for the infection.

Among the 568 cases, 138 clinicians said they had moderate to severe COVID-19 infection. The remaining 430 said they had very mild to mild COVID infection. Read more from Newsmax Health.