Momma duck and her babies stroll into bagel shop!

Momma duck and her babies stroll into bagel shop!

What’s for breakfast?

A mother duck and her eight ducklings caused a bit of a frenzy when they went for a stroll in their Brooklyn neighborhood on Monday.

The following written content via ABC 7

Momma duck and her babies stroll into bagel shop! , stay informed unbiased, News Without Politics, NWP, amazing news other than politics

PARK SLOPE, Brooklyn (WABC) — A mother duck and her eight ducklings caused a bit of a frenzy when they went for a stroll in their Brooklyn neighborhood on Monday.

At one point, the mom and her babies even went into a bagel shop on 5th Avenue and 4th Street.

“The mama duck and her ducklings then went into Bagel World. No word on what they ordered.” tweeted Doug Gordon, who posted updates on the ducks.

People in the area stopped traffic so the ducks could safely cross the street and even used bread crumbs to lure the ducks out of the bagel store.

After leaving the bagel shop, they made their way up 4th Street. Read more from ABC 7

Momma duck and her babies stroll into bagel shop! , stay informed unbiased, News Without Politics, NWP, amazing news other than politics
Momma duck and her babies stroll into bagel shop! , stay informed unbiased, News Without Politics, NWP, amazing news other than politics
Photo credit ABC 7 NY
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